Washington State Bill Would Legalize Facilitated Psilocybin Services Under New Two-Track Program Focused On Therapy And Wellness

Washington State senators are renewing the push to legalize psilocybin services, prefiling a bill ahead of the forthcoming legislative session that would create a regulated psychedelics system aimed at promoting mental health and wellness. The measure, SB 5201, led by Sen. Jesse Salomon (D) along with eight cosponsors, is a revised version of legislation he […]
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Don’t Blame DEA For Marijuana Rescheduling Hearing Cancellation Caused By Cannabis Industry Lawyers (Op-Ed)

“Counsel for the parties fundamentally misunderstood how this proceeding, this tribunal and this judge are legally-bound to proceed—and in so doing have potentially set back the entire movement for cannabis reform.” By Khurshid Khoja, Greenbridge Corporate Counsel P.C. As legal counsel representing the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) during the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) marijuana […]
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