Nail art is all over social media, and likely a few of your friends’ hands as well. It’s a pop of personality, and the salon experience to get a fresh manicure is a little act of self-care that allows you to sit back and relax while the nail tech does the work. With padded massage chairs, relaxing music and beautiful polishes to choose from, getting a manicure has become something I look forward to — and I felt this way even before I found an event that added marijuana to the routine. When I saw the Mani Pedi Oh So Heady social event on Instagram, I knew right away I had to get involved in the marijuana manicures movement.
Tickets for the event included the choice between a manicure, pedicure or both, as well as a VIP option that came with a hefty goodie bag. The marijuana manicures were promised to take place at a chic Beverly Hills salon closed to the public for the night, with access a party both before and after your appointment. I checked my schedule, bought tickets to Los Angeles and for the event, and scheduled a manicure for 6:30 p.m., right about the middle of the party.
Three weeks later, I was walking into the nail salon, checking in with a very stylish woman and receiving a lanyard and holographic name badge that had my manicure time written on it. She explained that I could walk around the salon and dab freely, as e-nails were scattered between manicure stations. The nail techs would come find me when it was time for my appointment, so I got to dabbing and trying samples from the handful of booths present. A California-based infused drink company, Habit, provided medicated fruit sodas to guests — and before I could finish a second flavor, it was time for my manicure.
Marijuana Manicures For Ganja Goddesses
I only had a half-hour appointment booked with my nail artist, which meant she wouldn’t be doing any acrylic work or shaping, we’d simply start with what I walked in with. When I told her what I really wanted — a full marijuana manicure, done while I was smoking marijuana — she was skeptical at first about whether or not she could get it done in the time crunch. We settled on just an individual accent nail on each hand and sparkly green polish on the remaining nails. Bong Beauties contributed their fantastic pot leaf nail charms to the event and I selected two bold gold leaves, one for each hand.
For the accent nails, I ground up less than a gram of the herb I had been smoking earlier in the day and the nail artist placed a few green crumbs and gorgeous orange hairs across my ring fingernails. Using clear resin, she sealed the cannabis onto the nail, and then placed the pot leaf charms onto my pointer fingernails. I was offered dabs throughout my appointment and assisted with the whole process while my hands were under work. We finished just before the allotted time was up and I loved how my new nails came out!
I spent the rest of the evening getting to know some of the other event attendees, who included many ladies I’d followed on social media but hadn’t had a chance to chat up one-on-one before. A few talked about how relaxed the environment was at the salon; it felt like a social mixer instead of the sales-driven events many of us have attended over the years. As the salon party came to an end, we hugged and parted ways, with new nails to remind us of the awesome evening, for a couple weeks at least.
I flew back home to the Bay Area swooning over the whole experience, posting new nail pictures to Instagram with the #weedicure and #marijuanamanicure hashtags. As legalization spreads throughout the United States, I hope events like this are here to stay!
Originally published in Issue 29 of Cannabis Now. LEARN MORE
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